

Jan 14, 2024

Is That a Giant Pineapple? Weird and Wacky Attractions for Road Trippers

Why did the chicken cross the road? To see these amazing sites just off the highway! Summer is a great time for a road trip, and along the way to your destination, take note of these unique roadside attractions. There's something for everyone, from pop culture fanatics to art fans to Trekkies. Many of the destinations are free to visit, but some have entry fees. Additionally, not all are available 24/7, so be sure to check the latest hours and admission prices before you go.

It's not the biggest Ukrainian Easter Egg in the world, but it is the largest outside Ukraine. This Canadian town with a large Ukrainian immigrant population, commissioned the three-story-tall egg in the 1970s and placed it along the Yellowhead Highway. It features aluminum framework and tiles and utilized computer science (a novel idea when it was constructed) to come to fruition.

Go boldly where your favorite actors have gone before. After Star Trek's 1969 cancellation, collector James Cawley gathered as much of the original set as possible. He replicated the rest with photos and blueprints. Star William Shatner, now 92, schedules frequent appearances. Admission fee may apply.

On Olympic Boulevard along the waterfront, you'll find a 32,300-square-foot wall of graffiti art— Entias by Eduardo Kobra. It took Kobra two months of 12-hour days to create and features his signature bright colors and geometric patterns.

This 10-foot-high art installation uses the wind combined with multiple levels of steel pipes to create music that can be heard from about 400 feet away. Built using materials recycled from a rundown transmission station on the site, the award-winning, musical sculpture took nearly two years to build. One of three similar pieces created by architects Mike Tonkin and Anna Liu, the pieces can be seen in Burnley, England; Abilene, Texas; and Saudi Arabia).

Located on the site of a former strip-mining operation, "the city of iron" is an open-air museum that features large industrial machines. The site also hosts events like opera performances and music festivals. Tourists should expect to spend over an hour at the site to take it all in. Admission fee may apply.

Construction of this art piece started in 1930, not as art, but as a home. It wasn't until 1938 that original owner Raymond Isidore started constructing the mosaic exterior out of crockery, broken glasses and bottle caps. Eventually, the interior and its contents would be decorated in a similar fashion. Note that the house is not open year-round.

This roadside oddity is the handiwork of artist Veijo Rönkkönen. Its location, near the border with Russia, assures minimal tourist traffic, but the site is worth a stop if you're interested in seeing dozens of carved figures in yoga-like poses covered in moss. Some animal figures also find their home at the site, which is always open and has a suggested entry fee.

This bright yellow, 55-foot-tall tropical fruit symbolizes the favorite fruit of Bathurst, which is largely known for its pineapple production. It was created in the 1980s from metal and fiberglass, and features a viewing platform, gift shop and museum that tells the story of pineapple in the region.

The eco-centric adventure park is home to the world's largest bird sculpture, a giant art installation featuring the likeness of a demigod from the Hindu epic Ramayana, which traditionally stands for the honor and protection of women. This sculpture is twice as long and slightly wider than a Boeing 737 airplane. Admission fee may apply.

At the heart of this memorial to the ancient leader of the Mongols sits the enormous Genghis Khan equestrian statue. At 130-feet-tall, it is the largest equestrian statue in the world and is 30 percent taller than the Oculus train station in New York City. Visitors can walk through the head toward its chest for a stunning panoramic view of the lands below.

This 97-ton giant steel and concrete sheep sculpture has been nicknamed "Rambo" by locals. It serves as a waypoint near the Hume Highway, about a half mile from its original location. The 50-foot statue has a gift shop at its feet, and its upper levels feature a display about wool.

Sweet Statue The Big Pineapple Bathurst, South Africa