

Oct 24, 2023

Rhino Cosplay Brings the Spider

Rhino is a Spidey villain who uses his immense size and animal-themed armor to squash his foes, with this cosplay nailing his immense bulk perfectly!

In Spider-Man's corner of the Marvel Universe, Rhino is a burly villain that puts Spidey's superhero skills to the test whenever the pair happen to cross paths, with a new cosplay finding a way to bring Rhino's impossible hulking form to life in a way that truly wows!

Posted on social media via Instagram, Roger P (@hummin_h2) is a cosplayer specializing in building oversized costumes for any pop culture character that lends themselves to needing a larger-than-life live-action design.

Giving Marvel's Hulk, Transformers’ Bumblebee, the X-Men's Juggernaut villain, their Sentinel foe, and even Dragon Ball's Broly the giant cosplay treatment, Roger has also dressed as Omega Red, Thanos, and in a truly inspired redesign, a version of Star Wars’ R2-D2 in mech form!

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Going by the name Aleksei Sytsevich when not running down Broadway flattening cars and people alike, Rhino has been a staple Spider-Man villain since the 60s and has had more than a few wardrobe changes in the decades since his debut. Leaning into his animal-themed design by wearing a seamless all-grey costume with a single horn on his head, Rhino switches up his look from time to time by either wearing a fully armored suit that pays homage to his original animal design or a more traditional streamlined look that still retains some of the more realistic armor-plated accents his other costumes incorporate; all of which are extremely tough designs to pull off in the cosplay space, something Roger doesn't let phase him one bit.

Based on Rhino's armored appearance in Marvel's Spider-Man video game, Roger's oversized look immediately commands fans’ attention as not only does the costume nail the large proportions of this lumbering villain but also effectively brings a character back into a live-action space in a way not seen since his big screen debut in The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Complete with sharp armor plates fitted across his grey and purple suit, enormous shoulder pads, spiked boots, silver gauntlets, and of course, Aleksei's signature horned helmet, Roger's attention to detail when bringing this Spider-Man character to scale is impressive, to say the least, with the effort put forth to sculpt, paint, fit together, and test all of these interlocking pieces turning this cosplay into something far more than a simple homemade costume.

What's more, Roger gives fans a clip of his Rhino cosplay in action in the second post, showing off how smoothly his costume operates and looks in a real-life setting while giving fans a true sense of scale for a design that needs to be seen to be believed. So while creating a comic-accurate Rhino costume will always be a feat thanks to the character's towering size, Roger P (@hummin_h2) is somehow able to bring Aleksei to life as the humanoid rhinoceros he takes his namesake after in the best way possible!

Source: @hummin_h2

Brian is first and foremost a nerd in every way shape and form. He likes to compare himself to a black hole, consuming any and every form of entertainment unlucky enough to get caught in his gravitational pull. It's not uncommon on any given day for him to read a couple comics, settle down with a good book, watch a few movies (inside and out of the theater), catch up on his ever growing but never depleting streaming queue, challenge himself with a few good video games, and of course, write his heart out. He spends every waking moment dreaming up interesting and intriguing concepts and ideas that will hopefully one day inspire and entertain anyone looking for an escape from their daily lives. Graduating from Full Sail University in good old humid Florida, Brian currently lives and works in New York City and lives for the day when all he has to do is wake up and create something unique and new for people to enjoy.