

Sep 01, 2023

Burlington shopping: Pop

The storefront at 140 Church St. across from City Hall is dimly lit, but a step inside reveals a fabric UFO hovering in the corner, Star Wars Lego sets stacked on a display, board games, whoopie cushions, plastic dragons and tiny glittery purses − perfectly kid-sized.

Families and children are among Church Street's top visitors and shoppers, yet Burlington's main drag lacks a store dedicated solely to toys. Maura Donnelly, owner of Bristol toy store Simon Says, decided she wanted to try to fill this gap this year with pop-up store for the holidays. Simon Says is open until Dec. 24 at 140 Church St.

"Our biggest seller is definitely Legos," shop assistant Ella Whipps said.

The store, only lit by battery-powered lights because of a lack of electricity in the space, is cozy inside without harsh overhead fluorescents, but may be a little hard to spot for shoppers with its darker interior. The signs outside, however, lead shoppers in.

Along with the toy classics, Simon Says also offers specialty items like toys for children 2 and under and trucks and planes made from 100% recycled plastic (and there's a recycling truck, of course). Whipps said the store's science and DIY kits have also been popular among customers.

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While the Simon Says pop-up is the only store on Church Street that sells just toys, other downtown stores sell toys. Check out these stores for more opportunities to shop local for toys:

Contact Urban Change Reporter Lilly St. Angelo at [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter: @lilly_st_ang

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