

Aug 20, 2023

17 Signs A Rich Person Is Old Money Vs. New Money

"I’m a cleaner; old money gives a Christmas tip and buys me a gift. New money does neither. It's a strange pattern I’ve noticed in my over six years cleaning people's houses, and I can't explain why this happens."

BuzzFeed Staff

Note: Some responses were pulled from these Reddit threads by u/KiwiMuffin420, u/driveonacid, and u/bethebumblebee.

—Sarah P., Facebook

"New money would try to pay as little as they could, trying to get services for free."

—Sandra E., Facebook

"If they drive something like, oh, an old Volvo estate or something utilitarian and old, then they've got money. The ones with the old money know the value of good investments and the value of things — and not just the cost."


"It's a head-scratcher."


"Makes sense they have f-you money, so no reason to get upset about silly, small things."


"New money will try really, really hard to show they have money with branded items and by trying to throw their weight around when it comes to customer service. Another classic new money habit is talking to us like their custom is some great gift and that we should all be fawning over them for the privilege."


"It's a strange pattern I’ve noticed in my over six years cleaning people's houses, and I can't explain why this happens."



"New money will order people around."


"Old money is usually fairly polite. They know, deep to their bones, that they own the place. They know they are better than you, but they don't hold it against you."


"Meanwhile, middle-class me was screaming inside, hoping for one of those seats. The old money classmate also happened to be genuinely kind. The new money brats were the worst."

—Laney M., Facebook

"Old money went to a school that was famous — usually one of the most obvious ones."


"Also, they can instinctively recognize other people who are old money. I really don't think you could ever fake being one of them. You'd have to try really hard. And they don't try at all. They just are."



"She sounds grateful for all that her parents have been able to provide for her — but she never sounds like it is owed to her."



"I have this half-baked theory that old money spends/shops less than new money."


Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.